Monday, September 07, 2015

Medicine display for September

Each month the Trust Libraries create a display and resource bulletin on a clinical topic.  For September, it is MEDICINE The display is on show at both libraries and the resource bulletin (which lists our top medicine resources and other library resources and services ) can be accessed hereREMEMBER, the libraries also hold many general medicine books on the shelves in the WB section

The Medicine bulletin is available here. All the other Library resource bulletins can be accessed on our website.

You can access e-journals such as The BMJ, The Lancet and Medical Clinics of North America and e-books such as 100 cases in acute medicine by K Layne and Medicine: a competency - based companion by J Israel via the library catalogue  . 

OpenAthens account required to access e-resources, go to to self-
register for an account.

#MTWBookClub Discussion Transcript

  If you weren't able to make our 'The Children Act' #MTWBookClub on 7th Aug, the full transcript of the Q&A can be found h...