Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Resource of the Week: A-Z Topics

Each week the Trust library services will be promoting a different product available for all members of staff.
This week it is A-Z list of topics available on NICE Evidence.

Go to http://www.evidence.nhs.uk/topics  to view this these topics.

Let us know what you think of this evidence-based resource.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

NEW Leadership & Mentorship resource bulletins

The Leadership and Mentorship resource bulletins are now available in both libraries and on our website. There is currently a display on Mentorship in both libraries.

Go to http://www.mtw.nhs.uk/library-and-information-services/library-bulletins.asp to find these and over 30 other useful resource bulletins

Let us know what you think of these bulletins!

Mentorship Journals

Reflective Practice
Athens access, 2000- current via Swetswise

Many Nursing Journals, including Nursing Times, Nursing Standard and Journal of Advanced Nursing are available online or in print in the Trust Libraries. Search and access e-journals via our catalogue, www.southeastlibrarysearch.nhs.uk

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Resource of the Week: Pedro database

Each week the Trust library services will be promoting a different product available for all members of staff.
This week it is PEDro which is the Physiotherapy Evidence Database, a free web-based database of evidence relevant to physiotherapy. Search today at www.pedro.org.au

Books on Approval

We have a selection of book titles from our supplier here 'On Approval'. This gives you the opportunity to come and take a look at the most recent publications in your specialty and let us know which ones you think would make a valuable addition to our stock.

Ask Emma what we have.... emma.aldrich@nhs.net

#MTWBookClub Discussion Transcript

  If you weren't able to make our 'The Children Act' #MTWBookClub on 7th Aug, the full transcript of the Q&A can be found h...