Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Celebrating Libraries Week at MTW Libraries- 9th-14th October

Each day of Libraries Week, MTW Libraries will be promoting one of our fantastic services or resources:

Monday 9th: Mediated Literature Searches- did you know that we can do topic searches for you and will email you the results? Visit the Libraries with your topic or download the form here: http://ow.ly/LyVz30fki84  and email to mtw-tr.library@nhs.net

Tuesday 10th: Training- we can train you in the Libraries or in your workplace on how to search for literature, searching the online resources, improve your study skills as well as critical appraisal training and help with running journal clubs. Email us for further information
mtw-tr.library@nhs.net  or click to see our latest training dates: http://ow.ly/501R30fqUYR

Wednesday 11th: UpToDate- pick up information about this popular point-of-care tool and register for an UpToDate Anywhere account from a Library PC. Find out more in the Libraries or here: http://ow.ly/205B30fgqcx

Thursday 12th: Health Information for patients and public-discover what the Libraries are doing to help the public access safe and evidence-based health information. Find out where YOU can access this information to pass on to YOUR patients.  Click to see our latest Health Information bulletin for patients and the public: http://ow.ly/Wr6Q30fjYEC

Friday 13th: Help improve our book stock!- Visit either site Library to check out our books on approval or make a book stock suggestion of your own. See what the Libraries already hold at: www.southeastlibrarysearch.nhs.uk

Look out for our displays and on the intranet for further information.  Follow us on Twitter and Instagram: mtwnhslibrary for the latest Libraries Week news! #librariesweek 

#MTWBookClub Discussion Transcript

  If you weren't able to make our 'The Children Act' #MTWBookClub on 7th Aug, the full transcript of the Q&A can be found h...