Did you know that the MTW Libraries run a Film Society? Recent films we have shown at the Academic Centre, Maidstone Hospital are The BFG, Me Before You and The Girl on the Train. These film events are FREE to attend for MTW staff and we show the latest DVD releases and also welcome screening suggestions. We also supply drinks and snacks before the screening so a small donation towards that is very appreciated. To be added to the mailing list to hear about our next Film events, please email Emma Aldrich: emma.aldrich@nhs.net
That's films.....we also run a Book Club! The Book Club meets at Tunbridge Wells Hospital Library every 6-8 weeks and the books we have recently discussed are Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn, The Girl with a Pearl Earring by Tracy Chevalier and Philomena by Martin Sixsmith. We are a small group but have room for more members and also welcome reading suggestions. Please email Alison Millis: alison.millis@nhs.net to be added to the mailing list
You can borrow from our vast DVD collection, we have over 200 DVDs between the Trust Libraries that you can borrow for FREE for 7 days at a time. Come and have a browse, there's bound to be something for the weekend!
We also have a Leisure reading collection at both Libraries and the Richard and Judy Book Club books which you can borrow.
For our World Book Day celebrations, we are running a Film and Book quiz. Click here to enter and you could win a £20 Amazon voucher! Closing date is 30th March.
Come and find out more about Medical Humanities at you local MTW Trust Libary today!