Each month the Trust Libraries create a display and resource bulletin on a clinical topic. For August 2016, it is INTENSIVE CARE. The display is on show at both libraries and the resource bulletin (which lists our top Intensive Care resources plus other library resources and services) can be accessed here. REMEMBER, the Libraries also hold many Intensive Care books on the shelves in the WB 300 section.
The Intensive Care bulletin is available in the Libraries and here. All the other Library resource bulletins can be accessed on our website.
You can access e-journals such as Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine and Journal of Critical Care with an OpenAthens account. E-books are also available with an OpenAthens account including Intensive care unit manual by PN Lanken and Critical care secrets by PE Parsons . You can borrow the most recent editions of Emergencies in critical care by M Beed & Monitroing the critically ill patient by P Jevon from the Trust Libraries as well as many other titles (in the WB 300 section on the book shelves)
Search and access e-resources via our catalogue www.southeastlibrarysearch.nhs.uk with your OpenAthens account.
An OpenAthens account required to access e-resources, go to https://openathens.nice.org.uk/ to self-register for an account.
Please contact the Libraries if you have any issues with registering for an Open Athens account, accessing e-resources or anything else we can help you with! Don't forget that we also offer training in literature searching, accessing online resources and study skills. We can also perform literature searches for you!
Plus we also have access to PCs, quiet study space and a leisure reading and DVD collection which you can borrow from.
We hope to see you in the Libraries soon!
News, knowledge and information from the Maidstone & Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust Library Service.
#MTWBookClub Discussion Transcript
If you weren't able to make our 'The Children Act' #MTWBookClub on 7th Aug, the full transcript of the Q&A can be found h...

Each week the Trust Library Service will be promoting a different product available for all staff. This week it is the Trip database whic...
Calling All Doctors! Are you taking one of the following exams soon?: DCH DRCOG ...