News, knowledge and information from the Maidstone & Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust Library Service.
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Monday, December 19, 2016
Latest Public Health Bulletin from the Kent Public Health Observatory
Your weekly guide to what's new in public health and social care regionally and nationally from the Kent Public Health Observatory:
You can subscribe to the weekly update here:
You can subscribe to the weekly update here:
MTW Libraries closing at 2.30pm today (Monday 19th December)
The MTW Trust Libraries will be closing at 2.30pm today (Monday 19th December) for a staff meeting.
Out of hours access is available as usual.
Thank you
MTW Libraries
Out of hours access is available as usual.
Thank you
MTW Libraries
Friday, December 16, 2016
Next Book Club- Philomena
The next book the TWH Book Club will be discussing is Philomena by Martin Sixsmith. We are meeting on Tuesday 7th February 2017 at 5pm in Lecture Room 3, ETC, Tunbridge Wells Hospital - All staff are welcome.
For further information, please contact Alison Millis on ext 35994 or email
We have a copy of the book waiting to be borrowed from TWH Library too!
For further information, please contact Alison Millis on ext 35994 or email
We have a copy of the book waiting to be borrowed from TWH Library too!
Monday, December 12, 2016
MTW Library Service Christmas Opening Times
Christmas Opening Times
MTW Trust Library Service
Tunbridge Wells Hospital Library
Friday 23rd December: 8.30-5
Monday 26th December: CLOSED
Tuesday 27th December: CLOSED
Wednesday 28th December: 9-5
Thursday 29th December: 8.30-5
Friday 30th December 2016: 8.30-5
Monday 2nd January 2017: CLOSED
Tuesday 3rd January: 8.30-5
Maidstone Hospital Library
Friday 23rd December: 9-5
Monday 26th December- Monday 2nd January 2017: CLOSED
Tuesday 3rd January: 9-5
Maidstone Hospital Library will be closed from 5pm on
Friday 23rd December 2016
and will re-open at 9am on Tuesday 3rd January 2017
24/7 access is available as usual at both sites
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our Library users!
Resource of the month - BNF
Each month the Trust Library Service will be promoting a different product available for all members of staff.
This week it is the "BNF" which is a joint publication of the British Medical Association and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society. The BNF aims to provide prescribers, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals with sound up-to-date information about the use of medicines.
It is also available to download for free for users of Android and iPhone smartphones via the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. You will need an Athens account to log-in. To register for Athens go to
Please ask library staff for help if needed.
This week it is the "BNF" which is a joint publication of the British Medical Association and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society. The BNF aims to provide prescribers, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals with sound up-to-date information about the use of medicines.
It is also available to download for free for users of Android and iPhone smartphones via the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. You will need an Athens account to log-in. To register for Athens go to
Please ask library staff for help if needed.
TWH Library PCs in use AM Weds 14.12.16
ALL the TWH Library PCs will be in use between 8.30am-11.30am on Wednesday 14th December
due to a training course.
apologise in advance for any inconvenience this may cause.
Library Team
Monday, December 05, 2016
FREE CPD activity on Alzheimer's Disease
Latest Public Health bulletin from the Kent Public Health Observatory
Your weekly guide to what's new in public health and social care regionally and nationally from the Kent Public Health Observatory:
You can subscribe to the weekly update here:
You can subscribe to the weekly update here:
Thursday, December 01, 2016
The votes have been counted and verified and the next Film Club will be....
The BFG!
It was very close but you voted for this one by a margin of one.
The most recent Amazon review said:
“What a magical film. The extras are incredible especially the one on bringing the BFG to life. Everybody who purchases this will know the story from either the Roald Dahl book or the animated version with David Jason voicing the BFG in the 90s.Steven Spielberg has done a wonderfully sweet job here. The special effects are a sight to behold. Mark Rylance gives the great performance you would expect bringing a touch of pathos to the role of the BFG. Ruby Barnhill is a revelation as the young orphan Sophie giving a performance beyond her years. Anyone with children should have a copy of this movie. Anyone without any children should have a copy of this movie. Anyone who loves movies should have a copy of this movie. I loved it”
It was online so it must be true 
The format will follow the usual film club pattern; I will get the Academic Centre at Maidstone opened up for about6pm and serve refreshments in the dining room. We will aim to start the film at 6:30pm in the auditorium. Running time for this one is 117 minutes.
As always, the event is free to attend but we welcome donations to help with running costs. Over the next 5 months I am going to ask for additional donations to be made to Children with Cancer UK who I am running the London Marathon for in April next year; I will have the usual collection receptacles out on the night to collect spare change, or you can use this link to sponsor me if you can (just think about what you are saving on Odeon Pick 'n' Mix if you come to our cinema instead!):
Hope to see lots of you there on the night.
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
UpToDate no longer accessible via Athens-register for the App!
you using UpToDate via Open Athens?
register NOW for UpToDate Anywhere to obtain free access to UpToDate
remotely from home and via Mobile App
Answers to your clinical
questions from your mobile devices.
WE kindly inform you that
access to UpToDate via Open Athens will be phased out by 1st December
In order to gain FREE
mobile access we ask you to follow the registration procedure as described
If you have
not yet registered, you will need to do so before downloading the app:
Access UpToDate from within the trust by
clicking on the UpToDate link at the bottom of the trust intranet.
Click on Log in/Register in the top navigation bar of the
UpToDate log in page
Create a unique user name (email addresses
are acceptable) and password on the UpToDate Anywhere registration page
You are now registered and will receive a
confirmation email about installing the UpToDate Mobile App
In order to ensure that
your UpToDate account stays active, it is important to log in to your account
via the UpToDate link on the bottom of
the Trust intranet with your username and password at least once in every 3
months. If this is not done, your downloaded app(s) will not stay active beyond
the 3-month period.
Questions? Contact:
Further info: http://mtwintranet/news/up-to-date-on-your-smartphone-or-tablet
Further info: http://mtwintranet/news/up-to-date-on-your-smartphone-or-tablet
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
New & Updated Procedures in!
Below is a list of NEW & UPDATED procedures in . Access via the intranet on our Library resources page or via Athens at
New procedures
Oral contraception review This new procedure outlines
how to conduct an oral contraception review for a woman who is already using
this form of contraception. Demonstrated by Melanie Rogers, Senior
Lecturer/Advanced Nurse Practitioner (Primary Care) at the University of
Huddersfield, and Emma Fawcett, Cervical Screening Mentor/Coordinator, NHS
Kirklees, Calderdale and Wakefield, this procedure outlines how to conduct the
review and covers common side effects and risk factors of both the combined
oral contraceptive (COC) pill and the progestogen-only pill (POP). You’ll find
it in the Primary Care section, under the Contraception category.
Treatment of hypoglycaemia This is a new addition to
the Diabetes Care category in the Primary Care section. Demonstrated by Helen
Church, Lead Diabetes Specialist Nurse at Hounslow and Richmond Community
Healthcare, and Nina Garrett, Diabetes Specialist Nurse at Frimley Park
Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, this procedure discusses the signs and symptoms
of hypoglycaemia. It covers how to distinguish mild and moderate hypoglycaemia
and how to treat each of these. The last two pages describe how to give a
glucagon injection, in the event of a patient developing severe hypoglycaemia,
as well as the follow-up care required.
Childhood Immunisations We have published this
procedure in both the Children section and the Primary Care section, under the
category Vaccination & Immunisation. Demonstrated by Ann Sunderland,
Director of Clinical Skills and Simulation at Leeds Beckett University, this procedure
covers administration of a vaccine that comes as a powder, for reconstitution
with a diluent, to an infant up to 4 months old. It emphasises the importance
of the cold chain, and describes how to give a vaccine as an intramuscular
injection to an infant.
Monitoring and use of a medicines refrigerator in primary
care We have published this new procedure in both the Primary Care and the
Children sections, under the category Vaccination & Immunisation. It covers
the importance of maintaining a medicines refrigerator at the correct
temperature, the need for a ‘cold chain’ for certain medicines and vaccines. It
describes the necessity to rotate stock following new deliveries, as well as
what to do in the event of a breakdown. Demonstrated by Dr Richard Hatchett,
our Education Consultant, you can also find a copy of this procedure in the
Administration of Medicines category, in the Adults section.
The following series or individual procedures have also been
Blood Transfusion (all six parts) References updated,
with some minor text changes. This procedure was previously under the
Intravenous Therapy category, but we have now created a new category called
Blood Transfusion.
Caring for a patient with a chest drain (parts 1 to 3) References
updated, some minor text changes.
Neurological observations (in children) Updated and
peer reviewed, references updated. Some text changes: this procedure now
mentions application of pressure as a stimulus rather than pain, in line with
the most recent guidance. We have highlighted the importance of not using the
supraorbital notch as a stimulus if the patient has or is suspected to have
facial fractures. We carried out extensive research to determine whether the
neurological observations chart shown should be updated (to match the revised
chart in the Adults procedure on Neurological Observations) but the feedback we
obtained suggests that the chart shown is still in wide use.
Using Entonox to relieve pain in adults Updated and
peer reviewed, references updated.
Intradermal injections
Intramuscular injection using the deltoid site
Intramuscular injection using the dorsogluteal site
Intramuscular injection using the vastus lateralis site
Intramuscular injection using the ventrogluteal site
Subcutaneous injection of insulin
Subcutaneous injections (using a prefilled syringe with a
non-detachable needle)
All of the above have been updated by the authors—the main
changes have been updating of references.
Trust Libraries closed AM Monday 28th November
The MTW Trust Libraries will be closed until 1pm on Monday 28th November due to a Staff meeting.
Out of hours access is available as usual.
Thank you
MTW Libraries
Out of hours access is available as usual.
Thank you
MTW Libraries
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Resource of the Month: NICE databases
Each month the Trust Library Service will be promoting a different product available for all members of staff.
This month it is the NICE Healthcare Databases which are available to search at .Databases including BNI, Medline, Embase plus others can be searched and links to the full-text of articles are included when available.
The databases have changed and the way you search has also changed. Help guides are available in the Trust Libraries and online. There are also videos available to help you search. Literature search training is available in the Trust libraries or in your workplace, please email for more information or visit either library to book.
You need an NHS OpenAthens account to search the databases, apply for one at
We can also perform mediated literature searches for you too, please visit the library or email us your search topic ( )
Thank you
MTW Trust Library Team
This month it is the NICE Healthcare Databases which are available to search at .Databases including BNI, Medline, Embase plus others can be searched and links to the full-text of articles are included when available.
The databases have changed and the way you search has also changed. Help guides are available in the Trust Libraries and online. There are also videos available to help you search. Literature search training is available in the Trust libraries or in your workplace, please email for more information or visit either library to book.
You need an NHS OpenAthens account to search the databases, apply for one at
We can also perform mediated literature searches for you too, please visit the library or email us your search topic ( )
Thank you
MTW Trust Library Team
TWH Library PCs in use Friday AM (25th November)
ALL the TWH Library PCs will be in use between 8.30am-11.30am on Friday 25th November
due to a training course.
apologise in advance for any inconvenience this may cause.
Library Team
Thursday, November 03, 2016
Display for November- Dermatology
Each month the Trust Libraries create a display and resource bulletin on a clinical topic. For November 2016, it is DERMATOLOGY . The display is on show at both libraries and the resource bulletin (which lists a selection of our top DERMATOLOGY resources plus other library resources and services) can be accessed here. REMEMBER, the Libraries also hold many DERMATOLOGY books on the shelves in the WR section.
The Dermatology bulletin is available in the Libraries and here. All the other Library resource bulletins can be accessed on our website.
You can access e-journals such as Journal of Dermatology, Clinical and Experimental Dermatology and British Journal of Dermatology with an OpenAthens account. E-books are also available with an OpenAthens account including Dermatology: an illustrated colour text by D J Gawkrodger and Dermatopathology by DM Elston.
You can borrow the most recent editions of Dermatology at a glance by MMU Chowdhury, ABC of dermatology by P.K Buxton and Skin disease: diagnosis and treatment by TP Habif from the Trust Libraries as well as many other titles (in the WR section on the book shelves)
Search and access e-resources via our catalogue with your OpenAthens account.
An OpenAthens account is required to access e-resources, go to to self-register for an account.
Please contact the Libraries if you have any issues with registering for an Open Athens account, accessing e-resources or anything else we can help you with! Don't forget that we also offer training in literature searching, accessing online resources and study skills. We can also perform literature searches for you!
Plus we also have access to PCs, quiet study space and a leisure reading and DVD collection which you can borrow from AT NO CHARGE.
We hope to see you in the Libraries soon!
The Dermatology bulletin is available in the Libraries and here. All the other Library resource bulletins can be accessed on our website.
You can access e-journals such as Journal of Dermatology, Clinical and Experimental Dermatology and British Journal of Dermatology with an OpenAthens account. E-books are also available with an OpenAthens account including Dermatology: an illustrated colour text by D J Gawkrodger and Dermatopathology by DM Elston.
You can borrow the most recent editions of Dermatology at a glance by MMU Chowdhury, ABC of dermatology by P.K Buxton and Skin disease: diagnosis and treatment by TP Habif from the Trust Libraries as well as many other titles (in the WR section on the book shelves)
Search and access e-resources via our catalogue with your OpenAthens account.
An OpenAthens account is required to access e-resources, go to to self-register for an account.
Please contact the Libraries if you have any issues with registering for an Open Athens account, accessing e-resources or anything else we can help you with! Don't forget that we also offer training in literature searching, accessing online resources and study skills. We can also perform literature searches for you!
Plus we also have access to PCs, quiet study space and a leisure reading and DVD collection which you can borrow from AT NO CHARGE.
We hope to see you in the Libraries soon!
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#MTWBookClub Discussion Transcript
If you weren't able to make our 'The Children Act' #MTWBookClub on 7th Aug, the full transcript of the Q&A can be found h...

Each week the Trust Library Service will be promoting a different product available for all staff. This week it is the Trip database whic...
Calling All Doctors! Are you taking one of the following exams soon?: DCH DRCOG ...