Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Resource of the Month: Clinicalskills.net

Each month the Trust library service will be promoting a different product available for all members of staff.

This month it is Clinicalskills.net which is a brand new resource for CSWs, student nurses and nurses.

Clinicalskills.net includes more than 200 guidelines on clinical skills procedures all in a highly illustrated step-by-step format.  It is also QUICK & EASY to use.

Access Clinicalskills.net via the Library Resources page on the Trust intranet or with your OpenAthens account at www.clinicalskills.net 

Contact the Library for further information.

#MTWBookClub Discussion Transcript

  If you weren't able to make our 'The Children Act' #MTWBookClub on 7th Aug, the full transcript of the Q&A can be found h...