News, knowledge and information from the Maidstone & Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust Library Service.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
K&S library closing at 5pm tomorrow (Thurday 23rd December)
We apologise in advance for any inconvenience this may cause.
Out of hours access is available as usual.
Thank you
Maidstone Trust Library
will be closing at 5pm today due to the bad weather
Usual 24/7 access is still available
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Maidstone Library
will be closing at 5pm today due to the bad weather.
Usual 24/7 access is still available
Monday, December 20, 2010
Maidstone Trust Library - Bad Weather Notice
will be closing at 5pm today due to the bad weather.
Usual 24/7 access is still available.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Free Trial to American Academy of Pediatrics RED BOOK
Red Book® Online is the online home of the report of the AAP Committee on Infectious Diseases. Offering instant Web-based access, you will find the complete text of the Red Book®, the complete visual library of over 2,000 images, vaccine status information, infectious disease news, and much more.
Up-to-the Minute Information
Complete, fully searchable Red Book text
Superb full-color Visual Library
Automatic electronic updates
Infectious disease resources
Immunization schedules
Infectious disease news and features
Automatic e-mail alerts
Advanced text/image page
Spanish version
Provides access to the latest and best pediatric infectious disease solutions to users across your organization simultaneously up to 100 users
Please give this resource a go and let us know what you think!
Trial ends 19th January 2011.
Monday, December 13, 2010
The Explorer
The latest issue of the Library newsletter, The Explorer, is available on our website. It contains information about latest initiatives, services, and new stock.
It also has details of our opening hours over the Christmas period.
Best Wishes,
Your MTW Library Team
Thursday, December 02, 2010
MTW Libraries- closing early 2/12/10
The Kent & Sussex hospital library will be closing at 5pm for the same reasons.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Out of hours access is available as usual.
Thank you
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
Free books from K&S hospital library!!!
Come and visit us and library staff can show you where the books are. There is a wide selection of fiction and non-fiction books to choose from. Offer ends 17th December.
If you would like to make a donation, we are collecting donations for Cancer Research UK. Please give your donation to a member of library staff.
Thank you and happy reading!
MTW Libraries closing at 5pm today (1/12/10)
Out of hours access is available as usual.
Thank you
Monday, November 29, 2010
Annual Evidence Update: HIV/ AIDS
To coincide with World Aids Day on 1st December, the National Library for Public Health has published the 2010 Annual Evidence Update on HIV/AIDS - Behaviour change in high-risk populations.
This update identifies and contextualises all high-level evidence and guidelines published in the last 12 months on behaviour change in high-risk populations including ethnic minorities, gay men, injecting drug users, young people, commercial sex workers, and other populations. The Library has teamed up with experts in the field of sexual health to evaluate the evidence.
To view the update, follow this link:
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Library base at Pembury Hospital
Monday 10.00 to 11.00
Thursday 9.00 to 10.00
Because of preparations for the new hospital we need to move out of the old buildings by Christmas.
Please visit the combined library at Kent & Sussex Hospital, where we will continue to provide a full service.
Our contact details are:01892 632384
We will move into the new hospital in September 2011.
Thank you
Thursday, November 04, 2010

After a very successful trial the Trust Library Service has purchased access to BMJ Case Reports.
BMJ Case Reports is an online community that enables junior doctors to take their first steps in having their case reports and research published. It also contains over 1,500 articles which have been peer reviewed.
Simply visit
To submit a case report, please ask library staff for the submission code.
Monday, November 01, 2010
Annual Evidence Update: psoriasis
NHS Evidence - skin disorders is publishing its fourth Annual Evidence Update on Psoriasis on 1 November 2010, with the results of a search for new national guidance and systematic reviews published since the 2009 Annual Evidence Update. There will be our usual “what’s new” analysis, discussing the new evidence and its implications for clinical practice — this year written by Dr Amy Foulkes, Professor Chris Griffiths and Dr Richard Warren.
Annual Evidence Update: head and neck cancer
NHS Evidence specialist collections for cancer, ENT and audiology, and oral health will launch the first collaborative Head and Neck Cancer Annual Evidence Update on 1 November 2010.
The update will include key guidance and quality appraised systematic reviews published since the SIGN guidance, combined with expert commentaries on the following topics:
* Causes, risks and prevention
* Screening
* Assessment and diagnosis
* Treatment and disease management
* Service delivery and standards.
Additional therapeutic uncertainties will highlight research gaps and there will be links to relevant high quality patient information.
Thursday, October 07, 2010
Library Closure 8/10/10 8.30am-2pm
Apologies for any inconvience, please email us if you have any queries or requests.
Out of hours access is available as usual.
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Anatomy Sites
Subscription sites:
Images of radiographic, cross sectional and gross anatomy (gross anatomy is large
scale anatomy, which can be seen without a microscope). A sample of the material,
with details of how to subscribe, is available from the website.
Primal Pictures
A three dimensional model of human anatomy using data from scans. Animations
demonstrate function, biomechanics and surgical procedures. The University of
Leicester has access to some Primal Pictures material through Ovid, but the site
gives details of all the available material, which includes things we do not have (like
resources aimed at speech and language pathologists and acupuncturists), and
material on CD. is, I think, another name for the online version of
Primal Pictures.
Visible Body
3D visualisation of human anatomy, views can be rotated and zoomed. We trialled
this after a student drew it to our attention and it needed a plugin to be downloaded.
Visible Body is now available in the UK through the STAT!Ref but I have no
experience of this directly.
Winking Skull
A study aid produced by the publisher Thieme. Access to everything (“Winking Skull
Pro”) needs a subscription, although 200 images are available free.
Free sites:
From the University of Texas at Austin. View bones and data about them, for
humans and various other primates. You can also view a bone and compare it
between species.
Being developed by Scott Sheffield, a university teacher of anatomy, as an online
anatomy textbook. Still under development.
Gray’s Anatomy
Specifically the 20th edition of the book, published in 1918. The latest edition is the
40th edition and online access is possible if you buy the printed book. Other editions
may be available in Google Books but a search for “grays anatomy” also gives you
related books and editions in other languages. It also seems to reveal the TV series
“Grey’s Anatomy”, and as seems to be usual with Google Books, not everything is in
full text.
Human Anatomy Online: an interactive tutorial and reference
Courseware from SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY. Each chapter of
this resource contains an overview of that part of the body, osteology, laboratory
dissection procedure, and a summary of anatomical terms encountered.
Instant Anatomy
Website maintained by Robert Whitaker, who teaches anatomy to medical students
at Cambridge and based on his diagrams and notes. There are also podcasts (which
may need purchasing) and a CD for purchase, as well as a related book.
LUMEN – Structure of the Human Body
LUMEN is the Loyola University Medical Education Network, based in Chicago. The
LUMEN site as a whole is awash with online learning materials but this particular
page gives links to anatomy resources, including the Bone Box (under “LUMEN
Learn ‘Em”) , a Master Muscle List, and a cross sectional anatomy tutorial, which
uses images from the Visible Human Project. These things all appear to be free to
use, but some other parts of the site need a login.
Visible Human Project
This NLM project aimed to create a complete set of 3D representations of the human
body. There is more information, including links to images, conference material and
other NLM initiatives at
There are some normal anatomy images at,
part of the Internet Pathology Laboratory for Medical Education, created by Edward
C. Klatt, MD, formerly of the University of Utah and now at the Mercer University
School of Medicine, Savannah, Georgia. Some images are available through
LUMEN resources (see above).
Friday, September 24, 2010
Annual Evidence Update: Antenatal and Pregnancy Care
NHS Evidence - women's health is holding its next Annual Evidence Update from Monday 27 September. The Antenatal Care Evidence Update builds on the accumulated knowledge-base and provides an up-to-date summary of the latest evidence in this area including the provision of antenatal care, patient information needs, common pregnancy problems, antenatal ultrasound and fetal monitoring. All the information contained in our AEU has been subject to rigorous selection criteria. We know it is very difficult for busy health professionals to keep up-to-date with the huge volume of literature that is published each year and so the specialist collections are here to do this for you.
Annual Evidence Update: Amblyopia
Clinicians treating ophthalmic disease in children always have to consider, and often have to manage, amblyopia - either as the main disorder causing impaired vision or as a contributing condition. The 2010 Annual Evidence Update focuses on the clinical and functional outcomes of amblyopia and highlights the:
· clinical outcomes of treatment - focusing on aspects of visual acuity, stereopsis, and ocular alignment;
· functional outcomes of treatment - focusing on aspects of quality of life and visual functioning;
· adverse events of treatment;
· new evidence that is likely to inform a change in clinical practice;
· current uncertainties in the effectiveness of treatments.
Commentaries have been provided by Jugnoo Rahi, Reader in Ophthalmic Epidemiology/Honorary Consultant Ophthalmologist, Institute of Child Health UCL; Jill Carlton, Research Associate, ScHARR, University of Sheffield and Mike Clarke, Reader in Ophthalmology, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
Autumn Training Schedule
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Annual Evidence Update: Faecal Incontinence
Surgical aspects of faecal incontinence (NHS Evidence - surgery, anaesthesia, perioperative and critical care)
NHS Evidence – surgery, anaesthesia, perioperative and critical care will be publishing its third Annual Evidence Update on the surgical management of faecal incontinence. The update will coincide with National Continence Awareness Week 2010 beginning 20 September. NICE guidance on faecal incontinence (CG49) was published in June 2007 based on literature published prior to October 2006. Having published the second update in September 2009, this AEU will highlight relevant, good quality evidence published between July 2009 and July 2010, focusing specifically on surgical management (including biofeedback and implants).
Annual Evidence Update: Osteoarthritis and
This is the fourth Annual Evidence Update on osteoarthritis produced by NHS Evidence - musculoskeletal in conjunction with NHS Evidence - trauma and orthopaedics and includes the results of a search for new national guidance and systematic reviews published since August 2009. To accompany this update, there will be commentaries discussing the new evidence.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Visit the Library
Both Libraries offer 24/7 access, networked PCs, and training to help you get to grips with work and study.
Everyone is welcome - why not visit today?
Annual Evidence Update: Diabetic Retinopathy
Diabetic retinopathy is the most common cause of blindness in working age people in the UK. The Annual Evidence Update on Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) provides an opportunity to present an up-to-date comprehensive collection of information that has been subject to rigorous selection criteria. The coverage of the Annual Evidence Update has been developed on the basis of topics suggested by UK diabetic retinopathy experts.
Information is organised by topic areas and links are provided within each topic to the relevant systematic reviews, primary research, guidelines and patient information. Topics include:
- incidence and prevalence of DR
- epidemiology and progression of DR
- factors influencing development of DR
- screening for DR
- treatment
- surgery
- modern therapies
- blindness and visual impairment
- assessment of retinopathy by automated computer algorithm.
Friday, September 10, 2010
BMJ Case Reports Trial- Why not submit a Case Report?
The case reports do not need to be very long (about 500-1000 words) and it is a good forum for junior doctors to share their discoveries and experiences. For example, there is a short piece on how a junior doctor used coca-cola to dissolve an internal food blockage. It also looks good on your CV to be a published author!
Visit , log in with your Athens account and click on submit a paper. You will need the Library institute number to submit so please ask a member of library staff for this.
If you don't have time to do this, please still have a look at the case reports and let us know what you think about the website.
Thank you
Friday, September 03, 2010
NHS Evidence Update: Epilepsy
Leading epilepsy experts from around the UK have read and appraised these for their validity and relevance to the busy clinician. A list of the papers deemed worthy of inclusion, along with expert commentaries by our reviewers, will be freely available on the site at from 6 September.
This year we have continued to identify uncertainties in research to contribute to the DUETs project (see for more details).
BMJ Case reports
Friday, August 27, 2010
August Bank Holiday (Monday 30th August)
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Free Trial to Primal Pictures Clinical Package!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Trial to BMJ Case Reports starts next week!

BMJ Case Reports is an online community that enables junior doctors to take their first steps in having their case reports and research published. It also contains over 1,500 articles which have been peer reviewed.
Simply visit
Please feedback to us on this resource or recommend any resources for the Trust Library Service to purchase.
Thank you!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Library Newsletter: The Explorer
The latest edition of the Library & Knowledge Services Newsletter, The Explorer, is now available on our website.
Please click here to view the August 2010 edition.
Previous editions can also be viewed on our website.
If you wish to be notified directly by email when we publish future editions, please let Ann Foreman know. (
Friday, August 06, 2010
New Medical Careers Website
It is developed by the KSS Deanery and includes a variety of career tools and information.
Why not give it a try to find out about the various career options available to you?
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Free Trial to the Emerald Health Care Management Collection
Free Trial to the Emerald Collection of Health Care Management journals and books!
Visit and log in with:
Username: HLG10 (case sensitive)
Password: emerald
Journals available:
Health Education
International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance
International Journal of Workplace Health Management
Journal of Health Organization and Management
Leadership in Health Services
Nutrition & Food Science
Advances in Health Care Management
Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research
Advances in Human Performance and Cognitive Engineering Research
Progress in Psychobiology and Physiological Psychology
Research in Community and Mental Health
Research in Occupational Stress and Well Being
Research in the Sociology of Health Care
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Knowledge Bulletin: Eyes & Vision
The Eyes & Vision Knowledge Bulletin has recently been updated.
New information includes:
- Journal articles for Medical Retina
- Journal articles for Oculoplastics
- Guidelines from the College of Optometrists including Cellulitis, Conjunctivitis, Herpes Zoster and Endophthalmitis.
To view the bulletin, go to:
If you would like to contact me about the content of the Knowledge Bulletin, or to discuss a bulletin for your own specialty, please do so via email:, July 26, 2010
Annual Evidence Update: Hip Fracture
Annual Evidence Upate on Hip Fracture: 26-30 July 2010
An update of the evidence on this topic from NHS Evidence - trauma and orthopaedics and NHS Evidence - emergency and urgent care :
On 26 July 2010, ‘NHS Evidence - trauma and orthopaedics’ in conjunction with ‘NHS Evidence - emergency and urgent care’ will release an Annual Evidence Update on Hip Fracture. The scope of the literature search covers fractures affecting the proximal femur. This Annual Evidence Update will appeal to all health professionals, reflecting the multidisciplinary approach required across both primary and secondary care. However, there may be clinicians who are involved in the management of polytrauma and high energy injuries that affect the hip joint who will find that our update is offset from their area of interest.
Find out more at:
Annual Evidence Update: Hepatitis
Annual Evidence Upate on Hepatitis B and C: 26-30 July 2010
An update of the evidence on this topic from NHS Evidence - gastroenterology and liver diseases:
The Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases Specialist Collection is launching its fourth Annual Evidence Update on Hepatitis B and C on Monday 26 July 2010. The Project Team has carried out a systematic literature search on Hepatitis B and C to identify all high level evidence published since the date of the last Hepatitis B and C AEU in 2009, including guidelines, systematic reviews, health technology assessments and economic evaluations. Leading experts from around the UK have read and appraised these for their validity and relevance to the busy clinician. A list of the papers deemed worthy of inclusion, along with expert commentaries by our reviewers, will be freely available on the site at from that date.
We welcome feedback about the update - please contact us with any comments on
Find out more at
Friday, July 16, 2010
Pembury Library Move

The Library at Pembury is vacating Woodlands House as part of the PFI build process.
The last day for using the library will be FRIDAY 23rd JULY. The resources, stock and staff are moving to the Kent & Sussex Library. Staff will be available there from 8.30 on Monday 26th July to answer any queries (phone, email or in-person) . We anticipate all stock being fully integrated and available to use by Monday 2nd August.
A small satellite service will be offered from the Choices restaurant for Pembury-based staff. This will include:
- a PC to search the catalogue
- a book return box
- a facility for making requests for resources or training
Members of the library team will also be there at regular times each week to answer enquiries, more details in Choices.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Maidstone Library PCs
The Library on the Maidstone Site (first floor of the newly enlarged Academic Centre) now has 15 PCs for Trust staff and students to use.
They are all connected to the Trust Intranet/ internet and have full MS Office suite and printing/ scanning facilities.
The PCs are in the new part of the enlarged library - ALL staff are entitled to come over and use the services. You do not need your own Novel log-in to use Library PCs.
Why not come over and take advantage of a clean, bright, quiet environment with experienced staff on hand to help you with your IT queries?
Maidstone Library PCs
The Library on the Maidstone Site (first floor of the newly enlarged Academic Centre) now has 15 PCs for Trust staff and students to use.
They are all connected to the Trust Intranet/ internet and have full MS Office suite and printing/ scanning facilities.
The PCs are in the new part of the enlarged library - ALL staff are entitled to come over and use the services. You do not need your own Novel log-in to use Library PCs.
Why not come over and take advantage of a clean, bright, quiet environment with experienced staff on hand to help you with your IT queries?
Monday, July 05, 2010
EBSCO trial - last week
Feedback on these resources would be much appreciated!
Please email comments to or comment in person at any of the Trust Libraries.
Thank you
Friday, June 18, 2010
Email Services - help us to help you!
Clinical Cases
Useful Website: Clinical Cases
We found a useful website this week:
The site is American, so some terminology is less useful than it might be, but step-by-step photo guides to procedures, along with all the potential contraindications, are excellent.
It was very well received by the clinician who came to ask asking for videos showing central line insertion - why not take a look?
The Library & Knowledge Services Team
Monday, June 07, 2010
Annual Evidence Update: Atrial Fibrilation
Annual Evidence Update on Atrial Fibrillation: 7-11 June 2010
An update of the evidence on this topic from NHS Evidence - cardiovascular
This update for health professionals and patients will present significant advances in knowledge about atrial fibrillation since our last update in June 2009. Topics will include medication, cardioversion, prevention of stroke, catheter ablation therapy and surgical treatment. This year we've also identified new systematic reviews on genetics and atrial fibrillation. As usual expert summaries with be included on this and the other topics identified to help make sense of the new evidence presented.
Find out more at
Annual Evidence Update: Osteoporosis
Annual Evidence Update on Osteoporosis and Fragility Fractures: 7-11 June 2010
An update of the evidence on this topic from NHS Evidence - musculoskeletal
NHS Evidence - musculoskeletal will release their latest Annual Evidence Update on osteoporosis and fragility fractures. We have sifted the publications in this area in the 12 months up to May 2010 and have concentrated on highlighting systematic reviews, these being the most reliable and least biased evidence available to guide practice and improve knowledge in this area.
Find out more at
Annual Evidence Update: Drug Misuse
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Trial to EBSCO resources
Free trial to the EBSCO resources via Athens!
Trial until 9th July 2010
select Athens Log in and log in with your Athens account.
Resources included are:
Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source
Medline with Full-text
Psychology & Behavioural Sciences Collection
Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine Source
SocINDEX with Full Text
Rehabilitation Reference Centre
Friday, May 21, 2010
Annual Business Plan
Click here to read it.
Amy feedback should be directed to
Pembury Library is Moving!
Pembury Library is relocating!
Pembury will close on 23rd July
But don’t worry we won’t leave you behind!
The Library will have a satellite service at Pembury (we will notify users of its' location as soon as we know where it will be) which will offer:
· Catalogue access
· Book return box
· Receive training
· Pre 2003 Journals
· Library staff visits with requested books/ articles at advertised times
· Journal request facility
You can ALSO use the library at Kent and Sussex where, from 2nd August, you can:
· Find all the Pembury books and Journals.
· Use Computers
· Receive training
· Use the scanner and photocopier
· Pick up and drop off books
· Place requests
· Ask staff for help
If you can’t make it to either site then don’t forget you can still:
· Renew books online using the catalogue
· Place holds on books online using the catalogue
· Phone or email us with requests
· Look up book holdings on the catalogue
The Catalogue can be found at
To find out your username and PIN please ask Library staff
Friday, May 07, 2010
Out of Hours users
The new door is heavy, and will not make contact with the locking mechanism (magnet) without a little help.....
Many thanks!
Annual Evidence Update - Cystic Fibrosis and
This will be an update of the first Annual Evidence Update for Cystic Fibrosis published in 2009. It will present the latest evidence in the field of cystic fibrosis published in the last 12 months, highlighting major publications and implications for practice. Updates on Cochrane protocols and reviews needed, as identified by the Cochrane Cystic Fibrosis and Genetic Disorders Group, will also be published as part of the Annual Evidence Update.
Annual Evidence Update - Skin Cancer
This is the third Annual Evidence Update on Skin Cancer run jointly by NHS Evidence – cancer and NHS Evidence – skin disorders and published to correspond with Sun Awareness Week. It presents the results of a search for new guidance and systematic reviews that have appeared since last year’s Annual Evidence Update. There will also be expert commentaries discussing the significance of the new evidence in a variety of topic areas. The update of the Annual Evidence Update on skin cancer provides an opportunity to present an up-to-date comprehensive collection of systematic reviews and guidance that have been published since May 2009 and have been subject to rigorous selection criteria. Information is organised by topic areas and links are provided within each topic to the relevant systematic reviews, guidelines and patient information.
Friday, April 30, 2010
24/7 Access at Maidstone Library
Access at this site has now been restored, following the identification and replacement of a faulty key-fob reader on the Postgrad Centre door.
Annual Evidence Update: Rhinitis
The Annual Evidence Update on Rhinitis will be published on 10th May with the aim of presenting relevant research evidence from the past 12 months and therapeutic uncertainties where research gaps exist.
The update will be available at from 10th May onwards.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Try out 123library e-books, we have a 1 FREE month trial!
Simply visit the above adress, click on 'Athens Login', login with your Athens details and benefit from a large range of medical books. If you don't have an Athens account then please ask, it is very simple to set up.
Please give us feedback of your experience with the website, for instance, how easy did you find the website to use? Did you find books of interest to you? Would this resource be of benefit to you in the long term?
Happy Reading!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Still no internet access
Don't forget that all library members can use the libraries at Kent and Sussex, and at Pembury, which are unaffected by the network problems at Maidstone.
Annual Evidence Update on Childhood Obesity
The National Library for Public Health has launched the 2010 Annual Evidence Update on childhood obesity today, focusing on childhood obesity surveillance and preventative public health interventions. The Evidence Update includes a number of key policy documents and guest editorials written by experts, which provide a snapshot summary of preventative interventions for childhood obesity and international surveillance activities. Find out more at or
Monday, April 19, 2010
Training Schedule
Please contact us to book a slot, or to arrange one to one training on a range of topics to suit your needs.
Click here to find out what we can do for you!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Maidstone Site Update
We have NO networked access for PCs in the new IT suite, so no intranet/ internet access. We are dealing with this as a matter of urgency and will let you know when the problems are resolved.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
The Library will NOT OPEN AS SCHEDULED this Wednesday 31st March.
We hope to be able to re-open on Wednesday 7th April, but please call ahead to ensure that we are open. We will not charge fines for items that become late during the extended period of closure.
The library will NOT be accessible to 24hr fob holders, but registered users can use the libraries at Pembury and Kent & Sussex during both staffed and unstaffed hours.
We will keep you updated via our blog. Please email us if you have any urgent requirements and we will endeavour to help you.
We apologise for any inconvenience this causes.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Maidstone Library power cut
Because of the Health & Safety implications of the above the library will be closed during the power cut.
Friday, February 05, 2010
Maidstone Site CLOSURE
When will you be closed?
We will be closed from 11th March to 30th March 2010 inclusive. If work finishes ahead of schedule and we are able to re-open early, we will advertise via this blog.
Why do you have to close?
The building contractors are ready to knock through into the extension, which means removing the temporary wall where the PCs currently sit. They will also redecorate, fit out the new IT suite and re-floor the library. This means that the whole library needs to be packed up for the duration of the closure.
What about my library books?
You may continue to borrow as normal. Anything you borrow after 8th February 2010 will be issued to 6th April 2010.
You can renew items:
Online via with your user ID (Library Card Number) and your PIN, which staff on any of the three library sites can give to you.
By phoning Pembury Hospital Library 01892 633119
By phoning Kent & Sussex Hospital Library 01892 632384
By emailing
You can return your items to PEMBURY while we are closed by using the internal mail:
What about requests and reservations?
We will continue to request books from other libraries for you up to February 22nd. After this we will be unable to offer this service again until we open. Items that are needed from The British Library WILL NOT be supplied from February 22nd UNLESS you are able to collect the item from and return it to Pembury Hospital Library and you are prepared to accept the British Library fee of £110 per item should you fail to return it on time.
Requests for journal articles can continue as usual, but we will ask for advance payment (75p) for each request and an internal address so that we are able to post items to you when they arrive.
What if I cannot travel to Pembury or Kent & Sussex for Library services?
Don’t forget that there are a huge range of key resources available electronically via Athens. All NHS employees can apply for an Athens username and password at
If you have applied already but cannot remember your details, mail us now:
If you need help using electronic resources, contact us as soon as possible for training!
Contact details for all three sites can be found here:
Thursday, February 04, 2010
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
Call for non fiction donations!
Please contact the library on
01892 632384
or email us on:
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Help with your references.....
So if you need help with your references at the end of an essay, come and ask us - we can remind you of the things you have borrowed, and give you the correct publication details too.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Renew Online
Ask a member of library staff to give you your PIN to log on to the catalogue and make full use of the services.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Recent Additions to stock
You can check books recently added to the three Trust libraries via the Library Catalogue:
Follow this link, click on Advanced Search and then choose 'Recent Additions' from the grey bar above the search boxes.
The lists are updated monthly.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Email Services
Evidence Update - Patient and Carer Involvement in Chronic Disease
When?:18 – 22 Jan 2010
Where?: NHS Evidence - supportive and palliative care (map)
Description: The second Annual Evidence Update on 'Patient and carer involvement in chronic disease' collects together the best current knowledge on self care in chronic disease management. Key resources from a small sample of chronic conditions, together with the End of Life Care setting are placed within the general theme of user involvement in health services.
Monday, January 11, 2010
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
24/7 access will be available.
Friday, January 08, 2010
New Year, New Training
Why not brush up on your information literacy and IT skills - book a session with us today!
Thursday, January 07, 2010
Contact numbers - 01622 224647 (Maidstone)
01892 633119 (Pembury)
01892 632384 (Kent & Sussex)
Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.
#MTWBookClub Discussion Transcript
If you weren't able to make our 'The Children Act' #MTWBookClub on 7th Aug, the full transcript of the Q&A can be found h...

Each week the Trust Library Service will be promoting a different product available for all staff. This week it is the Trip database whic...
Calling All Doctors! Are you taking one of the following exams soon?: DCH DRCOG ...